Book vs. Movie

1984 movie ile ilgili görsel sonucu

In my first blog post, i said that i prefer movies instead of books. But when it comes to 1984 I prefer the book. I watched the movie 1984. They cut and change so many things in the novel. If I didn’t know to story, I can not be able understand to movie.

1984 movie ile ilgili görsel sonucu

It has a parallel storyline with the book, but I really don’t like it. Characters is differ from what I imagine, also environment to. Now I can understand the people who hate the movies for changing the novel.

Ä°lgili resim

‘If there is hope, it lies in the proles’

I woke up from sleep. I don’t know what to do now. Brotherhood is real and what they say in the book is so true. I just need to take a deep breath. I feel that hate more than anything, hate about Big Brother. I want to be free. I want to be able to do anything I want. I want to say my opinions. I need this more than anything. Being of Brotherhood is felt me I am not alone. There are people like me. I want to cry, I want to run.

I remember my family. They are taken from me. For years, I had no feelings about them. I had to be silence. I had to forget. But now, i remember them more than anytime since they gone. I remember to that day. I remember to crying sounds of my brother and my mom. The last love piece of my mom. She tried to catch my hand. I cried. I didn’t reach her. I wanted to die or be lost with them. They didn’t let me.

They create a monster. And now, i have to rebel for my idea. I don’t want to be prisoner anymore. I wrote one thing in my diary:




Power, Class and Society

When i reading the manifesto about Brotherhood, the fight of classes are impacted me. Middle class always wanna be the upper class, and for this aim they use lower class. When middle class become upper class, they turn back to lower class. They always gonna be lower class. They are just fighter for someone else’s dream.

Then i thought real world. I feel the truthness of this so much. Lower class are pawn. Power seekers use them for their ambitions. And I think, because of fear and lack of knowledge lower class just let them. They ignore the truth. Igronance is really strength.

Power, Class and Identity

Frankly, goverment didn’t want LOVE in their ideology. If you are gonna love something, you have to love their idea.

For the government in 1984, family is a tool to produce new members for the party. They encourage people and people have to see this as responsibility. They can not love each other, this makes them weak and this love decreases their ambitions for defending the ideology.

There is any family structure in their ideology. Every kid is a spy for goverment. They can snitch you anytime. You have to proud of this for raising a ”GREAT MEMBER”.

People have to see having a kid as a responsibility for the party. Government see this is as one purpose of marriage. You don’t have any right about being a parent. You just have to. They want power through unity. But in real world, because of the human rights this can’t be right at any perspective.

Gender and Identity

In the point of being a parent, I think this can’t be responsibiliy for goverment. This is a very special and important CHOICE for human.

Everyone deserve to love someone and be loved by someone. And both mom and dad have right to decide to be a parent. But for me, man and woman are not equal in this point. Biologically, women have to carry the child and because of this women have last word about choice. Noone can’t force someone to do things they don’t wanna do. Everybody have right to be parent, but everybody have right about making choice freely too.

These are my views about family and gender. I can not support the idea of goverment in 1984. I think this is a violation for human rights.