V for Vendetta


Hi everyone,

I am going to watch V for Vendetta again and i will compare the movie and the book. I just started to watch and i really can’t remember the movie. I think the first time i watched the movie is 10-12 years ago when i was a kid. I probably didn’t understand the movie but today i have a another perspective about it.

Before watching to rest of the movie, i want to say few think about opening scene. When i finished the the book, i was like ”WHAT???”. I really dissappointed about the ending. I really shocked but i want a little bit hope about humanity. If you fight for a idea, one way or another you should win someting, but in the book i thought Winston didn’t win anything. they beat his idea of freedom, or asimilated it. I can’t accept this. But in the opening scene of V for Vendetta, they simple say that ideas are more important about people. And now i think that okay they beat him, they can silence him but his ideas are always with him and WITH ME. I can understand him. He is just a humanbeing, but his ideas more than that.


Okay, i finished the movie. My first thought is ”HOPE”. I said that I was dissapointed about ending of the 1984, and in this movie I am not. In the book, ending of the story is not represent my belief. When i reading, I feel like Winston, I act like Winston but it comes to end I don’t wanna be like him. I still want to show some resistance to goverment and their ideas. I still wanna be ”JUST ME”. In the movie, I can be me. When at the end Evey said that ”He was all of US.”, and I fell like part of the US.


Except the ending, movie and book are parallel stories. Both story happen in the England, both against the government and both have a president like Big Brother. Both have a same fight, they are tried to change to wrongs in the world. For me, because of the different ending, they completed each other. Probably scenarist of the movie felt like me and changed the end.


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